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In relation to our forms, in compliance with the provisions of article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), which entered into force on May 25, 2018, we inform you of the following:

1. Responsible

Guillermo Peris Peris
ID: 20469689B
C/ Safor, 10 - Oficina 6 A
46015 Valencia, Spain
Telephone: (+34) 963234151

2. Purpose

Manage the service for which the client has completed each form. The data will be stored in our database for the time necessary to manage the service:

- Registration form: Manage the customer's order, generate the label of the transport company, create the invoice and send it to him, contact him in the event of an incident and inform him of the tracking number. In addition, a registration is generated in the customer registration database so that the user can access the information of their orders (status, invoice, tracking, etc.) and edit their addresses through a control panel accessible with username and password.

- Quick purchase form: Manage the customer's order, generate the label of the transport company, create the invoice and send it to him, contact him in case of an incident and inform him of the tracking number. No registration is generated in the customer registration database.

- Newsletter subscription form: Send a weekly email with blog articles, discounts, offers and news.

- Contact form: Reply to the client's query.

- Comments form: Publish, edit or delete user comments on blog articles.

3. Legal basis

The consent that the user gives by sending the form itself.

4. Recipients

We will not communicate data to third parties, except legal obligation or requirement.

5. Rights

The user can request information about the stored personal data that concerns him (access). You can also request that the inaccuracy of your data be corrected (rectification), the elimination or limitation of the treatment (deletion and limitation), that they be provided in a structured, current and machine-readable format (portability) and oppose them (opposition ). To do this, you can contact us by going to our physical address, by phone or by email: ventas@tiendasigloxxi.es. Likewise, the user has the possibility of filing a claim with the control authority www.agpd.es.

6. Extrajudicial resolution of claims

These general conditions are ruled by the Spanish Law.

Our entity is affiliated with Confianza Online (non-profit association), registered in the National Register of Associations Group 1, Section 1, national number 594400, CIF G85804011, Carrera de San Jerónimo, 18, 4º 1, 28014 Madrid (Spain). For more information: www.confianzaonline.es.

In compliance with the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution, we inform consumers that, as an affiliated entity and under the terms of the Code of Conduct, users may go to Confianza Online for the alternative resolution of any disputes (https://www.confianzaonline.es/como-reclamar/formulario-de-reclamaciones/). If these disputes relate to electronic transactions with consumers, or about data protection when they are related to this field, the claims will be resolved by the Mediation Committee of Confianza Online, accredited for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes. If the claims concern digital advertising, or data protection related to this field, they will be submitted to the Advertising Jury of AUTOCONTROL.

Furthermore, we remind you that you can access the European Union online dispute resolution platform by following this link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show