It is predicted that about 100,000 additional drone jobs will flood the market in the next couple of years. These jobs will be in areas such as aerial photography as well as cinematography in outdoor film industry and in extreme sports, land surveying start-ups and an increase in drone manufacturers. There is also a possibility of more jobs for UAV operators, drone pilots and engineers at the various levels of employment experience.
As has been seen in the various applications, drones are the future of doing the impossible and simplifying the possible. It is good to be on lookout on how the drone world will shape up in the near future.
Posted on News of the sector, Technical articles
The application of drones with regards to this is in their use in active shooter or crime scenes, crime and accident scene analysis, general surveillance, crowd monitoring, bomb inspection. The use of drones in managing fires entails their use in evaluation of the fire and the determination of its size and source. 67.7 million Consumer drones are expected to be sold on an annual basis by 2021 across the globe. In 2015, about 6.4 million units were sold accounting for about $1.9 billion. In this year, 2016 the sales volume in the US alone is expected to be 953 million dollars and this is projected to be about $5 billion by 2021.
Posted on News of the sector, Technical articles
Drones that are specifically designed for farmers are also in existence. One such drone has been poised as the most advanced agricultural drone and has significantly enabled French farmers to boost their crop yields by a whopping 10%. This particular drone works by capturing crop data using Parrots ground breaking technology. The combination of quadcopter drones with different cameras is aiding professionals in all the fields. What is more is that you can combine 3 different types of imagery in one flight to achieve advanced situational awareness. You could also come up with geo-referenced maps and models.
Posted on News of the sector, Technical articles
Drones are all the buzz at the present being quite ubiquitous in many locations. A drone basically refers to a flying robot that is technically referred to as a UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle. It is usually controlled remotely or you could choose to program it to follow certain flight plans. They have simplified the way tasks are handled and you can now undertake tasks which seemed difficult, expensive, quite dangerous, access remote areas and fly at high speed using them. The drone technology presents a world of endless possibilities as they could be designed to have computer vision, facilitate face and object recognition besides providing an efficient tracking technology.
Posted on News of the sector, Technical articles
El Black Friday se ha convertido en un día trascendental para el comercio electrónico en España, superando al día de Nochebuena como el segundo de más compras del año, sólo por detrás del día de la noche de Reyes.
Posted on News of the sector
Google ha celebrado este martes el evento de presentación de sus novedades de hardware y software, entre las que han destacado los nuevos dispositivos móviles, que abandonan la marca Nexus y llegan bajo el nombre de Pixel. De momento los móviles que acaba de anunciar la compañía estadounidense no tienen fecha para su distribución en España.
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Here you will find, a great money saving tip that not many people are aware of... People residing outside of the European Union (EU), are entitled to claim the refund of the VAT paid for their purchases made during their stay in our country.
Posted on Store info, Tips and tricks
Dicen que lo clásico nunca pasa de moda y ahora lo está más que nunca. Con la cultura hipster actual, todo lo que tenga que ver con lo clásico, lo retro, lo vintage... Vuelve a convertirse en algo codiciado y, en algunos casos muy especulado.
Posted on News of the sector
Samsung te permite añadir ajustes rápidos en la parte superior de la pantalla de Ajustes en pocos pasos. Para ello debes abrir Ajustes, selecciona Editar en la parte superior derecha. Ahí puedes seleccionar hasta nueve atajos diferentes.
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