Usage tips, useful applications and advices for getting more out of your phone or tablet.
Facing the January slump can be a challenge for many households. Effective family budget management becomes a priority to get through this period without financial hitches. Fortunately, technology offers various tools that can ease this task.
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In an increasingly globalized and connected world, the relationship of young people with screens and the digital environment has become a central issue for families, teachers, and society in general.
Posted on News of the sector, Tips and tricks
Christmas is just around the corner, and with it comes the frenzy of online shopping in search of the best gifts. However, it’s also the favorite time of year for cybercriminals, who take advantage of the e-commerce boom to try to deceive unsuspecting shoppers.
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It’s no longer necessary to see in order to read on a computer. Technology has developed various applications in recent years that make this task easier. This is the case with screen readers, which can detect written text and translate it into a virtual voice. This function is especially useful for people with some kind of visual impairment.
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September: the time to return from summer to reality and start a new school year. Along with this come new challenges and skills that young students will need to acquire to successfully tackle the new academic year. One of the challenges in this new digital society is, undoubtedly, staying updated on technological skills to apply them in the classroom and in daily life.
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“Many of the so-called security measures are just an illusion: a way to feel protected without actually reducing the risk,” says Josh Gordon, technology expert at Geonode.
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“The smartphone you choose is more than just a communication device. It reflects your professional inclination,” said Jason Adler, software engineer at Repocket. This statement comes from a recent study in Barcelona that reveals a unique correlation between smartphone brand preference and professional aptitude among its residents.
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Road safety, the cause of July for Grupo Siglo XXI, is a vital issue that requires our utmost attention and commitment. Every year, thousands of people lose their lives or are seriously injured in traffic accidents, many of which could have been avoided with greater attention and caution. In the digital age, technology can be a great ally in helping us stay focused behind the wheel and reduce the risk of accidents.
Posted on News of the sector, Tips and tricks
Social networks are reaching younger users earlier, bringing a series of risks for them in services like TikTok, Discord, Locket, or Kik Messenger, which offer access to virtually any type of content, necessitating regular attention and supervision from parents.
Posted on News of the sector, Tips and tricks
En el entorno digital, la elección adecuada de un servidor para nuestro proyecto comercial y un dominio que se alinee con el nombre de nuestra empresa, junto con otros detalles, resultarán en una página web funcional.
Posted on Product analysis, Tips and tricks