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Meta allows users to opt out of having their information collected by Facebook and Instagram to train AI

Published on 2024-06-01

Meta has implemented an objection form that allows users to oppose Instagram and Facebook using the information they have shared on these platforms to train their Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The company will update its Privacy Policy, explaining how it uses information to develop its generative AI technology, which will be enabled by default for all users who continue to use its services from June 26.

With the rollout of this new policy, Meta has provided a form on Instagram and Facebook that allows users to oppose the use of their personal information to train, develop, and improve its AI.

This form arises from a change in the privacy policy on the platforms, effective from November 3, 2023. The upcoming month's policy specifies how information related to platform activity, friends and followers of users, data about applications, browsers, and devices used, or those from providers and third parties, is collected.

Furthermore, the company maintains that with this update to its privacy policy, it will not share the content of private messages sent to other users, friends, and family to train its AI tools, such as the Meta AI assistant.

Before this policy change takes effect, the company has made available a form for those who wish to object, in which they must enter their email address and country of residence.

This form also includes a field where users must indicate how the processing of this data affects them, as well as provide additional information that may be useful to the platform for reviewing the objection.

However, Meta has indicated that if it is not allowed to collect certain information, the quality of the experience "may be affected." For example, if an email address or phone number is not provided, it will not be able to create an account necessary for users to use its products.

Users can also choose not to add Facebook friends, in which case photos or status updates from these users' contacts will not be displayed in the Facebook news section.

Additionally, it has hinted that it "may" continue to process users' information to develop and improve its AI, even if they object or do not use its products and services. This would be the case if these individuals appear in a photo shared by another user on its products or services, or if they are mentioned in posts or captions.


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